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.: ONLINE :.
Players: 96/350
Uptime: 03h 55m



#Abyssal Calamary
#Acid Blob
#Acolyte of the Cult
#Adept of the Cult
#Adult Goanna
#Afflicted Strider
#Ancient Scarab
#Angry Adventurer
#Animated Feather
#Apprentice Sheng
#Arachir the Ancient One
#Ascending Ferumbras
#Askarak Demon
#Askarak Lord
#Askarak Prince
#Axeitus Headbanger
#Azure Frog
#Bad Dream
#Bane Bringer
#Bane Lord
#Barbarian Bloodwalker
#Barbarian Brutetamer
#Barbarian Headsplitter
#Barbarian Skullhunter
#Barkless Devotee
#Barkless Fanatic
#Baron Brute
#Battlemaster Zunzu
#Berserker Chicken
#Betrayed Wraith
#Bibby Bloodbath
#Big Boss Trolliver
#Biting Book
#Black Knight
#Black Sheep
#Black Sphinx Acolyte
#Blazing Fire Elemental
#Blemished Spawn
#Blistering Fire Elemental
#Blood Beast
#Blood Crab
#Blood Crab Underwater
#Blood Hand
#Blood Priest
#Blue Butterfly
#Blue Djinn
#Bog Frog
#Bog Raider
#Bone Beast
#Bony Sea Devil
#Brain Squid
#Branchy Crawler
#Breach Brood
#Brimstone Bug
#Brittle Skeleton
#Broken Shaper
#Brutus Bloodbeard
#Burning Book
#Burning Gladiator
#Burster Spectre
#Capricious Phantom
#Captain Blightwalker
#Captain Crystal Spider
#Captain Dark Torturer
#Captain Demon
#Captain Demon Skeleton
#Captain Dragon
#Captain Dragon Lord
#Captain Earth Overlord
#Captain Frost Dragon
#Captain Grim Reaper
#Captain Hand of Cursed Fate
#Captain Hellfire Fighter
#Captain Hellhound
#Captain Hydra
#Captain Juggernaut
#Captain Massive Water Elemental
#Captain Phantasm
#Captain Plaguesmith
#Captain Quara Mantassin
#Captain Quara Predator
#Captain Rift Worm
#Captain Sea Serpent
#Captain Son of Verminor
#Captain Thalas
#Captain Undead Dragon
#Carrion Worm
#Castle Demon
#Castle Dragon Lord
#Castle Frost Dragon
#Castle Generator
#Castle Grim Reaper
#Castle Guardian I
#Castle Guardian II
#Castle Guardian III
#Castle Guardian IV
#Castle Warlock
#Cave Chimera
#Cave Devourer
#Cave Rat
#Chakoya Toolshaper
#Chakoya Tribewarden
#Chakoya Windcaller
#Champion Blightwalker
#Champion Bog Raider
#Champion Death Tower
#Champion Demon
#Champion Earth Elemental
#Champion Earth Tower
#Champion Electro
#Champion Electro Massive
#Champion Energy Tower
#Champion Fire Tower
#Champion Grim Reaper
#Champion Hellfire Fighter
#Champion Hydro Massive
#Champion Hydro Slick
#Champion Ice Golem
#Champion Ice Tower
#Champion Pyro Blazing
#Champion Pyro Blistering
#Champion Son of Verminor
#Champion Warlock
#Charged Anomaly
#Charged Energy Elemental
#Charged Eradicator
#Charging Outburst
#Chasm Spawn
#Chizzoron the Distorter
#Choking Fear
#Chuck Norris
#Clay Guardian
#Cliff Strider
#Cloak Of Terror
#Cobra Assassin
#Cobra Scout
#Cobra Vizier
#Coelho da Pascoa
#Colerian The Barbarian
#Control Tower
#Coral Frog
#Corym Charlatan
#Corym Skirmisher
#Corym Vanguard
#Countess Sorrow
#Courage Leech
#Crazed Beggar
#Crazed Dwarf
#Crazed Summer Rearguard
#Crazed Summer Vanguard
#Crazed Winter Rearguard
#Crazed Winter Vanguard
#Crimson Frog
#Crustacea Gigantica
#Crypt Defiler
#Crypt Shambler
#Crypt Warden
#Crypt Warrior
#Crystal Spider
#Crystal Wolf
#Cult Believer
#Cult Enforcer
#Cult Scholar
#Cursed Book
#Cursed Gladiator
#Cursed Prospector
#Cyclops Drone
#Cyclops Smith
#Damage Resonance
#Damaged Crystal Golem
#Damaged Worker Golem
#Darakan the Executioner
#Dark Apprentice
#Dark Brown Horse
#Dark Faun
#Dark Magician
#Dark Monk
#Dark Torturer
#Dawn Scorpion
#Dawnfire Asura
#Dazed Leaf Golem
#Deadeye Devious
#Death Arch Demon
#Death Blob
#Death Priest
#Death Priest Shargon
#Deathling Scout
#Deathling Spellsinger
#Deep Terror
#Deepling Brawler
#Deepling Elite
#Deepling Guard
#Deepling Master Librarian
#Deepling Scout
#Deepling Spellsinger
#Deepling Tyrant
#Deepling Warrior
#Deepling Worker
#Defiled Groovetenders
#Demon (Goblin)
#Demon Outcast
#Demon Parrot
#Demon Skeleton
#Demon Summoner
#Depowered Minotaur
#Desperate Soul
#Desperate White Deer
#Diabolic Imp
#Diamond Servant
#Diblis the Fair
#Dire Penguin
#Diseased Bill
#Diseased Dan
#Diseased Fred
#Disgusting Ooze
#Distorted Phantom
#Doctor Perhaps
#Doom Deer
#Dragon Hatchling
#Dragon Lord
#Dragon Lord Hatchling
#Dragon Wrath
#Draken Abomination
#Draken Elite
#Draken Spellweaver
#Draken Warmaster
#Dread Intruder
#Dreadbloom The Defiled Ent
#Druid's Apparition
#Dulin Caru
#Dulin's Guardian
#Dummy Aggressor
#Dummy Trainer
#Dwarf Geomancer
#Dwarf Guard
#Dwarf Miner
#Dwarf Soldier
#Dworc Fleshhunter
#Dworc Venomsniper
#Dworc Voodoomaster
#Earth Arch Demon
#Earth Elemental
#Earth Overlord
#Elder Beholder
#Elder Bonelord
#Elder Mummy
#Elder Wyrm
#Elf Arcanist
#Elf Scout
#Elite Behemoth
#Elite Black Knight
#Elite Death Golem
#Elite Demon
#Elite Dragon Lord
#Elite Energy Seeker
#Elite Frost Dragon
#Elite Frost Nova
#Elite Fury
#Elite Giant Spider
#Elite Gnome
#Elite Heat Master
#Elite Hydra
#Elite Master
#Elite Medusa
#Elite Nightmare
#Elite Nightmare Scion
#Elite Plaguesmith
#Elite Serpent Spawn
#Elite Son of Verminor
#Elite Wyrm
#Emerald Damselfly
#Energetic Book
#Energized Raging Mage
#Energuardian of Tales
#Energy Arch Demon
#Energy Elemental
#Energy Overlord
#Energy Pulse
#Enfeebled Silencer
#Enlightened of the Cult
#Enraged Crystal Golem
#Enraged White Deer
#Enslaved Dwarf
#Essence Of Malice
#Essence of Darkness
#Eternal Guardian
#Evil Mastermind
#Evil Prospector
#Evil Sheep
#Evil Sheep Lord
#Eye of the Seven
#Eyeless Devourer
#Falcon Knight
#Falcon Paladin
#Fallen Mooh'tah Master Ghar
#Feral Sphinx
#Feverish Citizen
#Filth Toad
#Final Zoralurk
#Fire Arch Demon
#Fire Devil
#Fire Elemental
#Fire Overlord
#Flame of Omrafir
#Flimsy Lost Soul
#Floor Blob
#Flying Book
#Foreman Kneebiter
#Forest Fury
#Freakish Lost Soul
#Frost Dragon
#Frost Dragon Hatchling
#Frost Flower Asura
#Frost Giant
#Frost Giantess
#Frost Troll
#Furious Orc Berserker
#Furious Troll
#Fury Of The Emperor
#Fury of the Emperor RPG
#Gang Member
#Gazer Spectre
#Gelidrazah the Frozen
#General Murius
#Ghastly Dragon
#Ghoulish Hyaena
#Giant Spider
#Giant Spider Wyda
#Giant SpiderOld
#Glooth Anemone
#Glooth Bandit
#Glooth Battery
#Glooth Blob
#Glooth Brigand
#Glooth Fairy
#Glooth Generator
#Glooth Golem
#Glooth Horror
#Gnorre Chyllson
#Goblin Assassin
#Goblin Leader
#Goblin Scavenger
#Golden Servant
#Golden Servant Replica
#Goldhanded Cultist
#Goldhanded Cultist Bride
#Grand Canon Dominus
#Grand Chaplain Gaunder
#Grand Commander Soeren
#Grand Master Oberon
#Grand Mother Foulscale
#Grave Guard
#Grave Robber
#Greater Death Minion
#Green Djinn
#Green Frog
#Grim Reaper
#Grimgor Guteater
#Grynch Clan Goblin
#Guardian of Tales
#Hairman the Huge
#Halloween Master Witch
#Halloween Pumpkin
#Halloween Witch
#Hand of Cursed Fate
#Haunted Dragon
#Haunted Treeling
#Hell Hole
#Hellfire Fighter
#Hells Death Tower
#Hells Fire Tower
#Hells Ice Tower
#Herald of Gloom
#Hideous Fungus
#High Voltage Elemental
#Hive Overseer
#Hive Pore
#Honour Guard
#Hot Dog
#Humongous Fungus
#Humorless Fungus
#Ice Arch Demon
#Ice Crystal
#Ice Dragon
#Ice Golem
#Ice Overlord
#Ice Witch
#Icecold Book
#Illithid The Mindflayer
#Incredibly Old Witch
#Incredibly Old Witch Mount
#Infected Weeper
#Infernal Demon
#Infernal Frog
#Infernal Phantom
#Ink Blob
#Insane Siren
#Insect Swarm
#Insectoid Scout
#Insectoid Worker
#Instable Breach Brood
#Instable Sparkion
#Iron Servant
#Iron Servant Replica
#Island Troll
#Jagged Earth Elemental
#Juvenile Cyclops
#Killer Caiman
#Killer Rabbit
#King of the Elements
#Knight's Apparition
#Knowledge Elemental
#Koshei The Deathless
#Kraknaknork Demon
#Kraknaknork's Demon
#Krallos Heavy Skeleton
#Krallos Shield
#Krallos Skeleton
#Kreebosh the Exile
#Lady Bug
#Lancer Beetle
#Last Wish Palisade
#Lava Golem
#Lava Lurker
#Leaf Golem
#Lesser Fire Devil
#Lesser Swarmer
#Lethal Lissy
#Little Corym Charlatan
#Lizard Abomination
#Lizard Abomination RPG
#Lizard Chosen
#Lizard Dragon Priest
#Lizard High Guard
#Lizard Legionnaire
#Lizard Magistratus
#Lizard Noble
#Lizard Sentinel
#Lizard Snakecharmer
#Lizard Templar
#Lizard Zaogun
#Lord of the Elements
#Lost Basher
#Lost Berserker
#Lost Husher
#Lost Soul
#Lost Thrower
#Lumbering Carnivor
#Mad Mage
#Mad Scientist
#Mad Technomancer
#Magic Pillar
#Magma Crawler
#Man In The Cave
#Manta Ray
#Many Faces
#Mark Zuckerberg
#Marsh Stalker
#Massive Earth Elemental
#Massive Energy Elemental
#Massive Fire Elemental
#Massive Water Elemental
#Meadow Strider
#Mean Lost Soul
#Mechanical Fighter
#Menacing Carnivor
#Mercury Blob
#Metal Gargoyle
#Midnight Asura
#Midnight Panther
#Midnight Spawn
#Mindflayer Clone
#Mindflayer Tentacle
#Minion Of Versperoth
#Minion of Gaz'haragoth
#Minotaur Amazon
#Minotaur Archer
#Minotaur Bruiser
#Minotaur Cult Follower
#Minotaur Cult Prophet
#Minotaur Cult Zealot
#Minotaur Guard
#Minotaur Hunter
#Minotaur Invader
#Minotaur Mage
#Minotaur Occultist
#Minotaur Poacher
#Misguided Bully
#Misguided Shadow
#Misguided Thief
#Modified Gnarlhound
#Mooh'Tah Master
#Mooh'tah Warrior
#Morik the Gladiator
#Mould Phantom
#Mountain Troll
#Mr. Punish
#Muddy Earth Elemental
#Muglex Clan Assassin
#Muglex Clan Footman
#Muglex Clan Scavenger
#Mushroom Sniffer
#Mutated Bat
#Mutated Human
#Mutated Rat
#Mutated Tiger
#Mutated Zalamon
#Mutated Zalamon RPG
#Necromancer Servant
#Nightmare Scion
#Nightmare of Gaz'haragoth
#Noble Lion
#Norgle Glacierbeard
#Northern Pike
#Novice of the Cult
#Ogre Brute
#Ogre Rowdy
#Ogre Ruffian
#Ogre Sage
#Ogre Savage
#Ogre Shaman
#Orc Berserker
#Orc Leader
#Orc Marauder
#Orc Rider
#Orc Sambackpack
#Orc Shaman
#Orc Spearman
#Orc Warlord
#Orc Warrior
#Orchid Frog
#Orclops Doomhauler
#Orclops Ravager
#Orcus the Cruel
#Orshabaal Prize
#Overcharged Energy Elemental
#Paladin's Apparition
#Party Skeleton
#Pet Archer
#Pet Blaze
#Pet Death
#Pet Dog
#Pet Dummy
#Pet Elemental
#Pet Mage
#Pet Mercenary
#Pet Reptilian
#Pet Singh
#Pet Spark
#Pet Thanatos
#Pet Witchdoctor
#Pet Wolf
#Pet Yukki
#Phantasm Summon
#Pink Butterfly
#Pioxius Carnage
#Pirate Buccaneer
#Pirate Corsair
#Pirate Cutthroat
#Pirate Ghost
#Pirate Marauder
#Pirate Skeleton
#Poison Spider
#Polar Bear
#Preceptor Lazare
#Priestess of the Wild Sun
#Prince Drazzak
#Professor Maxxen
#Purple Butterfly
#Pythius the Rotten
#Quara Constrictor
#Quara Constrictor Scout
#Quara Hydromancer
#Quara Hydromancer Scout
#Quara Mantassin
#Quara Mantassin Scout
#Quara Pincher
#Quara Pincher Scout
#Quara Predator
#Quara Predator Scout
#Rage Squid
#Raging Mage
#Ravennous Hunger
#Reality Reaver
#Red Butterfly
#Renegade Knight
#Renegade Quara Constrictor
#Renegade Quara Hydromancer
#Renegade Quara Mantassin
#Renegade Quara Pincher
#Renegade Quara Predator
#Retching Horror
#Rift Brood
#Rift Lord
#Rift Phantom
#Rift Scythe
#Rift Worm
#Ripper Spectre
#Roaring Lion
#Roaring Water Elemental
#Ron the Ripper
#Rot Elemental
#Rotten Golem
#Rottie the Rotworm
#Rotworm Queen
#Running Elite Orc Guard
#Rustheap Golem
#Sacred Snake
#Sacred Spider
#Salamander Trainer
#Sandstone Scorpion
#Scar Tribe Shaman
#Scar Tribe Warrior
#Scorn Of The Emperor
#Scorn of the Emperor RPG
#Sea Serpent
#Serpent Spawn
#Shaburak Demon
#Shaburak Lord
#Shaburak Prince
#Shadow Hound
#Shadow Pupil
#Shaper Matriarch
#Shard Of Corruption
#Sharp Demon
#Shock Head
#Sight of Surrender
#Silver Rabbit
#Sir Valorcrest
#Skeleton Elite Warrior
#Skeleton Warrior
#Slick Water Elemental
#Snake God Essence
#Snake God Essence RPG
#Snake Thing
#Snake Thing RPG
#Son of Verminor
#Sorcerer's Apparition
#Soul-Broken Harbinger
#Spark of Destruction
#Spectral Scum
#Spider Queen
#Spidris Elite
#Spiky Carnivor
#Spirit of Earth
#Spirit of Fire
#Spirit of Water
#Spit Nettle
#Spite Of The Emperor
#Spite of the Emperor RPG
#Squid Warden
#Starving Wolf
#Stone Devourer
#Stone Golem
#Strange Slime
#Svoren the Mad
#Swamp Troll
#Swan Maiden
#Swarmer Hatchling
#TRPGB Minion of Gaz'haragoth
#Tarnished Spirit
#Tentacle of the Deep Terror
#Terrified Elephant
#Terror Bird
#Teste Loot Individual
#Thawing Dragon Lord
#The Abomination
#The Axeorcist
#The Blightfather
#The Bloodtusk
#The Bloodweb
#The Collector
#The Count
#The Dark Dancer
#The Destruction
#The Dreadorian
#The Evil Eye
#The Frog Prince
#The Hag
#The Hairy One
#The Halloween Hare
#The Handmaiden
#The Horned Fox
#The Hunger
#The Imperor
#The Keeper
#The Keeper RPG
#The Many
#The Masked Marauder
#The Noxious Spawn
#The Obliverator
#The Old Widow
#The Pale Count
#The Pit Lord
#The Plasmother
#The Rage
#The Ravager
#The Snapper
#The Weakened Count
#Thornback Tortoise
#Thornfire Wolf
#Tibia Bug
#Tidemaster Thanaporth
#Tiquandas Revenge
#Tomb Servant
#Tormented Ghost
#Training Monk
#Tremendous Tyrant
#Tremor Worm
#Troll Champion
#Troll Guard
#Troll Legionnaire
#Troll-Trained Salamander
#True Dawnfire Asura
#True Frost Flower Asura
#True Midnight Asura
#Tunnel Tyrant
#Turbulent Elemental
#Twisted Pooka
#Twisted Shaper
#Undead Cavebear
#Undead Dragon
#Undead Elite Gladiator
#Undead Gladiator
#Undead Mine Worker
#Undead Minion
#Undead Prospector
#Usurper Archer
#Usurper Knight
#Usurper Warlock
#Vampire Bride
#Vampire Pig
#Vampire Viscount
#Varnished Diremaw
#Vibrant Phantom
#Vicious Manbat
#Vicious Squire
#Vile Grandmaster
#Wailing Widow
#War Golem
#War wolf
#Warlord Ruzad
#Water Buffalo
#Water Elemental
#Weakened Frazzlemaw
#White Deer
#White Pale
#White Shade
#Wild Dog
#Wild Fire Magic
#Wild Fury Magic
#Wild Horse
#Wild Nature Magic
#Wild Warrior
#Wild Water Magic
#Wilting Leaf Golem
#Winter wolf
#Worker Golem
#World Devourer
#Worm Priestess
#Wrath Of The Emperor
#Wrath of the Emperor RPG
#Yaga The Crone
#Yellow Butterfly
#Young Goanna
#Young Sea Serpent
#Young Troll
#Zevelon Duskbringer
#Zulazza the Corruptor
#a carved stone tile
#seacrest serpent