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.: ONLINE :.
Players: 180/350
Uptime: 09h 57m


Informações do jogador:

Nome: Boudica
Ex-Nomes: Kinji X
Vocação:Elder Druid
Guild: Bipolar of the Loucos De Danae
Ultima vez online:Feb 21 2025, 18:59:06
Comprado em:Feb 06 2025, 13:07:17
Status da conta:Premmy Account
Pontos de Achivements:840
Premium Points:0

Informação da Conta:

Punição:Sem punição

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Lista de Morte:

Level Morto por Data
607Carnival Spider, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Demon, Carnival Spider and FoliatharFeb 20 2025, 08:54:29
607AzazelFeb 19 2025, 20:20:35
607Carnival Spider, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon, Demon and Carnival SpiderFeb 18 2025, 23:38:49
603Headpecker, Giant Spider, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Spider, Bashmu, Mercurial Menace, Emerald Tortoise, Mantosaurus, Noxious Ripptor and FoliatharFeb 17 2025, 11:51:35
603Brachiodemon and BrachiodemonFeb 17 2025, 10:42:41
604Infernal Phantom, Brachiodemon and Infernal PhantomFeb 17 2025, 10:31:09
604Carnival Dragon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Spider and Crazed Summer RearguardFeb 16 2025, 23:13:50
593Carnival Dragon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Two-Headed Turtle, Carnival Spider, Rhindeer, Juvenile Bashmu, Carnivostrich, Bashmu, Crape Man and Boar ManFeb 14 2025, 21:02:56
592Crazed Summer Rearguard, Crazed Summer Vanguard and Crazed Summer RearguardFeb 14 2025, 19:58:13
576Carnival Spider, Giant Spider, Dragon Lord, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Spider, Demon, Menacing Carnivor and Carnival DemonFeb 13 2025, 18:38:34
575Carnival Spider, Clomp, Giant Spider, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Demon and Carnival SpiderFeb 13 2025, 09:49:51
576Carnival Demon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon and Carnival SpiderFeb 12 2025, 23:50:25
577AzazelFeb 12 2025, 20:12:47
575Carnival Spider, Dragon Lord, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon and Carnival SpiderFeb 12 2025, 11:38:28
576Carnival Dragon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Spider and DemonFeb 12 2025, 11:29:13
576Carnival Demon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon, Dragon Lord, Carnival Spider, Bashmu and Two-Headed TurtleFeb 12 2025, 09:31:53
576Crazed Summer Vanguard and Crazed Summer RearguardFeb 11 2025, 23:10:38
575Carnival Dragon, Carnival Dragon, Demon, Carnival Demon, Menacing Carnivor, Dragon Lord, Lumbering Carnivor, Carnival Spider and Spiky CarnivorFeb 11 2025, 21:35:48
568Carnival Demon, Giant Spider, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Spider and DemonFeb 11 2025, 11:31:12
568Carnival Spider, Clomp, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Manticore, Carnival Spider, Young Goanna and FoliatharFeb 11 2025, 09:06:08
567Tidemaster Thanaporth, Ripper Spectre, Courage Leech, Vibrant Phantom, Cloak Of Terror, Menacing Carnivor, Lumbering Carnivor and Spiky CarnivorFeb 10 2025, 22:43:03
566Carnival Dragon, Dragon Lord, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon and Carnival SpiderFeb 10 2025, 11:54:21
567Pet Death, Shock Head, Sight of Surrender, Cobra Vizier, Crazed Summer Rearguard, Branchy Crawler, Crazed Summer Vanguard, Cobra Scout, Cobra Assassin, Essence Of Malice, Mean Lost Soul, Lamassu, Brain Squid, Pet Blaze, Bony Sea Devil, Soul-Broken Harbinger, Pet Death, Rage Squid, Pet Witchdoctor and MusashiFeb 09 2025, 20:19:47
567Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Two-Headed Turtle, Carnival Spider, Adult Goanna, Juvenile Bashmu and BashmuFeb 09 2025, 15:45:43
567Carnival Dragon, Burning Gladiator, Skeleton Elite Warrior, Priestess of the Wild Sun, Demon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Black Sphinx Acolyte, Dragon Lord, Young Goanna and Carnival SpiderFeb 09 2025, 12:32:57
568Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Demon, Carnival Spider, Priestess of the Wild Sun and Burning GladiatorFeb 09 2025, 12:17:41
569Carnival Demon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon and Carnival SpiderFeb 09 2025, 12:10:53
569Morgaroth, Hellspawn and PlaguesmithFeb 09 2025, 11:30:16
570Crape Man, Giant Spider, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Rhindeer, Dragon Lord, Carnival Spider, Crape Man, Liodile, Juvenile Bashmu and Two-Headed TurtleFeb 09 2025, 09:07:10
568Carnival Spider, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon and Carnival SpiderFeb 08 2025, 10:49:55
568Carnival Spider, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon and Carnival SpiderFeb 08 2025, 08:41:25
559Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon, Demon, Carnival Spider and ManticoreFeb 07 2025, 13:26:01
559Dragon Lord, Crypt Warden, Carnival Demon, Manticore, Adult Goanna, Clomp, Dragon Lord, Sphinx, Lamassu, Carnival Spider, Young Goanna and Carnival DragonFeb 07 2025, 11:20:22
559Carnival Demon, Clomp, Carnival Dragon, Manticore, Sphinx, Adult Goanna, Carnival Spider, Young Goanna and Carnival DemonFeb 07 2025, 11:04:33
560Carnival Spider, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon, Lumbering Carnivor, Menacing Carnivor, Crazed Winter Rearguard, Crazed Winter Vanguard and Carnival SpiderFeb 07 2025, 10:09:20
560Carnival Demon, Crazed Winter Rearguard, Lumbering Carnivor, Menacing Carnivor, Crazed Winter Vanguard, Spiky Carnivor, Carnival Demon, Carnival Dragon and Carnival SpiderFeb 07 2025, 09:04:24
561Carnival Spider, Carnival Dragon, Crazed Winter Rearguard, Dragon Lord, Carnival Demon, Crazed Winter Vanguard and Carnival SpiderFeb 07 2025, 09:00:12
562Crazed Summer Rearguard and Crazed Summer RearguardFeb 06 2025, 23:44:39
561Carnival Spider, Carnival Dragon, Carnival Demon and Carnival SpiderFeb 06 2025, 19:37:17


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Treinado para sobreviver.
Louco por sangue supremo.
Pescador Pleno.
Colecionador de Tecidos.
Limpador de Depots.
Caçador de Tesouro.
Não é cachaça, mas é gostoso.
Trabalho em Equipe.
Treinador de criaturas.
Fui Para o Inferno e Abracei o Capeta.
A Prova de Tudo.
Gladiador da Isle of Strife.
Até que todos os ossos caiam.
Morte ao Imortal.
Aventureiros da escuridão.
Time Imbatível.
O Retorno do Inferno.
O Poderoso.
Assassino Supremo.
Caçador de Recompensas.
Jornada ao inferno.


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